We have other children's titles under "Inspirational Fiction", "Awakening the Warrior Series", and "Leadership Coaching Series".
Manners Matter Coloring Book is designed to help children learn manners for inside the home, outside the home, at the dinner table, having guests in the home, as well as being a guest in someone else's home!
The Treasure Map from A to Z on How Our Attitude Affects Everything Coloring Book is a great way to get your children interested in learning how to control their attitude!
Priorities from A to Z is a coloring book designed to help teach children how to prioritize their lives!
The Kingdom Identity Coloring Book is a great way for adults and kids alike to relieve stress and be reminded of their heavenly identity at the same time!
The Gifts and Callings of God Booklet is a workbook and coloring book designed to help kids and adults learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
Abundant Life Publishing Presents: The Holy Spirit Coloring Book, where you can color and learn about the Holy Spirit and what He does for us! Great for adults and children alike.
The Grief Counseling Coloring Book is a book for all ages that takes a walk through the alphabet to help through the process of grieving.
The Weapons of Light Coloring Book is a great way for children and adults alike to learn about Spiritual Warfare!
Christianity 101 for Kids is a rhyming booklet that is designed to help equip and teach children everything they need to know about their faith, what it means to believe in Jesus (Yeshua), how to help share their faith with others, how to guard themselves against the enemy, and much more! This booklet was designed to help young warriors stand solidly on their faith in hard times and help give them more understanding about the challenges Christians face in the world today.
Kids ask a lot of questions, but are they asking the right ones? Teenagers are filled with questions about their purpose in life, but do they know how and where to find the answers? This booklet is filled with 60 questions to help kids and teens think deeper about their purpose and vision for life, and gives them an opportunity to write their own answers down and discover what God has hidden deep within each of them!
This rhyming booklet is designed to help your school age child communicate with his/her peers, teachers, and authority figures properly! This booklet is sure to help your child understand how to communicate effectively in any situation, and be prepared for the tougher conversations that require negotiation and handling confrontation!
The Treasure Map to Discovering Your Purpose is a rhyming booklet specifically designed to help kids and teenagers discover their purpose on this earth! Because children are the arrows in the quiver, they must be aimed purposely and intentionally to hit the bulls eye of life! This booklet includes Purpose Points: rhyming quotes that will encourage your children and teens daily and stick in their minds for practical use for years to come!
Abundant Life Publishing presents the Treasure Map to the Names and Meanings of the Holy Spirit, which is a short, rhyming booklet that helps children understand the meanings behind the names of the Holy Spirit!
This rhyming booklet helps children explore the Names of Yeshua (Jesus) mentioned in the Bible and the meanings behind them!
This rhyming booklet helps children to learn and understand the Names of God in the Bible, their meanings, and how to apply them in prayer!
Heaven is for Kids is a rhyming booklet designed to answer tough and frequently asked questions from children about the heavens. This booklet is simple, easy-to-read, and sure to stick in the hearts and minds of children and parents alike!
The Treasure Map to Decoding and Application of Revelation is a booklet that takes a rhyming walk through the Book of Revelation to help children and teens understand the meaning behind the Scriptures in this most mysterious book of the Bible!
The Treasure Map to Kingdom Secrets is a booklet that helps kids of all ages understand secret mysteries hidden within the Bible. With helpful "Secret Files", the Treasure Map to Kingdom Secrets also gives kids insight into how certain magic tricks are performed, illustrating how easily the human mind can be tricked. This booklet is sure to help your children learn deeper levels of their favorite Scriptures!
The Treasure Map to Truth: Creation Vs. Evolution - Which Will You Choose? is a rhyming booklet designed to help walk children through the tough questions they may face in school or with other peers on the subject of evolutionism and creationism. This booklet is designed to help equip school-age children and adults alike to understand the facts behind this much-debated topic.
The Treasure Map to Becoming a Hero
The Treasure Map to Becoming a Hero is an action packed rhyming booklet designed to help children learn how to develop heroic mindsets for a heroic life!
The ABC's to the Qualities of Yeshua (Jesus) is a rhyming walk through the alphabet that helps children understand the character qualities of their Savior, the Son of God.
In a rhyming style, the 33 Parables of Yeshua (Jesus) booklet teaches children the secret meanings behind the parables that he taught in the Bible.
66 Books of the Bible: Themes and What They Mean is a rhyming booklet designed to help kids understand more about each book of the Bible!
The Simple Gospel is a fun, rhyming poem designed to help teach children the truth and simplicity of the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) in order to help them share it with anyone put in their paths!
Pride Vs. Humility - Which One is the Best For Me? is a rhyming book for kids to teach them the dangers of pride and the values of humility to instill within them a foundation of stability!
Kingdom Identity for Preschoolers is a rhyming booklet with illustrations to help preschool age children and up understand their identity through Jesus (Yeshua), the Son of God!
Kingdom Identity for Kids is a rhyming booklet that teaches children what the Bible says about their identity in Yeshua (Jesus)!
Adventures of the Little Warriors: A Series of Adventures
The Little Warriors are full of light and love, even though their only parent is their heavenly Father above. Miss Kathy and Happy's Farm of them does take care, and then there's Gunner who is a kilt-wearing angel with long, red hair. Together they learn of lessons from Me, the Holy, Set-Apart Spirit of Yeshua (Jesus) in Eternity. I teach the Little Warriors (ten of them there are), of their true identity in the Kingdom by bringing them to places near and places far. Around the globe and right there at home, the Little Warriors learn of the great Enemy and how and where he roams; they learn of their Spiritual Armor and their Heavenly Weapons so they can stand against the powers of darkness and all of their evil offense. In peace, love, and unity, the Little Warriors meet new friends and teach them about Me. No matter the odds, the risk, or the danger, the Little Warriors and Gunner learn that through My Spirit no one is a stranger. They perform miracles in the Name of the Son, and they even make a trip all the way up to the Heavens!Join the Little Warriors, Gunner, and Me, as we heal the sick, preach the Gospel, and set the captives free!
The Treasure Map to the Person, Purpose, and Power of the Holy Spirit is a year-long devotional designed specifically for youth of all ages to impact their understanding of the most precious gift we have been given through belief in the Savior and Son of God, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). This devotional is sure to lead and guide the way of youth to a more powerful faith walk an even inspire adults to utilize the opportunity to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit!
The Treasure Map to the Person, Purpose, and Power of the Holy Spirit Volume 2 of 3
The Treasure Map to the Person, Purpose, and Power of the Holy Spirit (Volume 2) is a year-long devotional designed specifically for youth of all ages to impact their understanding of the most precious gift we have been given through belief in the Savior and Son of God, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). This devotional is sure to lead and guide the way of youth to a more powerful faith walk an even inspire adults to utilize the opportunity to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit!
The Treasure Map to the Person, Purpose, and Power of the Holy Spirit Volume 3 of 3
The Treasure Map to the Person, Purpose, and Power of the Holy Spirit (volume 3) is a year-long devotional designed specifically for youth of all ages to impact their understanding of the most precious gift we have been given through belief in the Savior and Son of God, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). This devotional is sure to lead and guide the way of youth to a more powerful faith walk an even inspire adults to utilize the opportunity to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit!